Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Email of person I am interviewing, shunka_wakan@northcoastearthfirst.org

10 questions.

How long have you been an enviromental activist, and what got you started?

When sitting in the trees, do you depend entirely on others to bring food, if so, do you ever go hungry?

What are some of/all the items you bring with you while tree sitting?

Do you feel that what you are doing is not only helping the redwoods, but making a statement that is important for american culture to address?

Are there times when you just want to give up?

Has anyone ever tried to remove you or anyone you know from a tree, if so, how did you or them react?

How long did you spend tree-sitting, and are you still?

What is the longest you have ever stayed in one tree?

How do you find American Culture reacts to what you do, interested, confused, shocked, supportive?

Is there a general community of tree-sitters?

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